11-62(E式) 多翼型离心通风机multi- blade centnfuga
11-62式皮带传动风机是11-62- A式传动基础上改进的新型产品。它具有比A式风量更大、噪声较低、结构 62-牢固、
设计新颖美观等特点,它是现代宾馆、酒楼及空调 机组理想配套设备,也可作为输入气体或输出气体之用。 trar输送
的介质为空气或其他不自燃的、对人体无害的气体, 气体中不含粘性物质,气体温度80°C.
11-62 is a new product improved on the base of 11-62-A typecentnfugal fan, which has a larger volumn, a lower
noise than 11-62A type. Featured by firm structure, new design, niceappearance, etc, the product is an ideal
equipment for ventiationin modern hotel, restaurant as well as air-condition unit. Thetransporting medium is air
or other non- spontaneous-combustionand non-explosive - combustion air with no harm to human. Theair
transferred shall not contain any adhesive matenal, with thetemperature no higher than 80C