HTFC I型(双速)离心式消防排烟风机Itype SInngle”speed fan for fhre control
广泛使用于宾馆、体育馆、学校、酒楼、影剧院、礼堂、高级民用住宅和工矿企业等消防及通风的场合,还可以配套于中央空调系统和环保净化系统。输送空气和其它不自燃、对人体无害、无腐蚀性气体,气体内不允许有粘性物质,所含的尘土及硬质颗粒物不大于150mg/m' ,作通风换气时进气温度不得超过80C.HTFC系列作消防用时,烟气温度在280C情况下能连续运行30分钟以上。
HTFC widely used for fire controland ventilation in places such ashotels, coliseum, schools,
restaurants, cinemas, halls, high-class residences and mining industries.Two series are also fit for air-condition system and environmentalpurification system.The transporting medium is air orother non- explosive-combustionair with no harm to human,The air transferred shall not
contain any adhesive material, dustand grain and the concentrationshall not exceed 150 mg/m', withthe temperature no higher than 80C,When the HTFC series are used forfire control, the fans can run morethan 30 minutes continually underthe condition thattheairandsmoketemperature